तह करना - tah karna meaning in hindi

Suggested :
चुपके से | quietly |
Marshall quietly brought what he found to Sutter | |
अति क्रूर व्यक्ति | monster |
Napoleon came to be transformed in the public mind from a monster to a hero | |
मोहड़ा | mouth |
Sorted in order from the mouth heading upstream. | |
छतरी | parachute |
A person who jumps out of a plane wears a parachute . | |
अंगवैकृत | contour |
The contour of the ST segment may also be helpful |
tah karna
अक्षरों की संख्या: 7 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
taha karanaa
Related spellings : tah karana
Related spellings : tah karana
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